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Electronic Resources (Databases)
CREDO Reference This link opens in a new window
Provides full-text online versions of hundreds of top quality reference books in all major subjects from art to medicine, psychology to history, and technology to literature. Includes bilingual and biographical dictionaries.
Humanities Source This link opens in a new window
Developed through a merger of high-quality databases from EBSCO and H.W. Wilson, and including many unique sources that were never previously available, this database offers worldwide content pertaining to literary, scholarly and creative thought.
ARTstor This link opens in a new window
Digital library of more than one million images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences. Includes a set of software tools to view, present, and manage images.
Films on Demand This link opens in a new window
Films On Demand is our Web-based digital video delivery service that allows you to view streaming videos from Films Media Group. Choose from thousands of high-quality educational titles in dozens of subject areas.
World History Collection (Gale OneFile) This link opens in a new window
This collection provides well-rounded coverage of both the current thinking and events in World History, as well as scholarly work being established in the field. This compilation of journals provides robust and balanced coverage of this field, useful both to the novice historian as well as to the advanced academic researcher.

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Mohawk Valley Community College Libraries - 1101 Sherman Drive, Utica, NY, 13501- P. 315.792.5561