Matthew Benjamin - Forest Fire Prevention
Ta Eh La - Supplementary Investigation of Chlorine Alternatives as Pool Treatment
Phue Pyae Maung - Face Mask Classification
Su Pyae Maung - Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews Using Python
Haf Sar - Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Overcoming Barriers to Business Success
Htet Myet Nwe - Trust
Shin Thant Nwe - History Keeps Repeating
Yuzune Naruse (not present due to illness) - Natural Resources and Governments Causing Hunger in Developing African Countries
Ivy Penree - The State of Freshwater in Herkimer County, NY
Heroina Infante - The Power of Graphic Design and its Techniques for Visual Presentation
Velina Dizdarevic - Criminal Minds of Juvenile Delinquents: Factors Reinforcing Juvenile Delinquency
Gianna Maio - How Has Technology Influenced Portrait Photography?
Morgan Pflanz - The Women, the History, and How Modern Crafters are Subverting the Norms
Sarah Hong - A Comparative Evaluation Between Traditional Eastern (Chinese) Medicine and Western Medicine on Chronic Coughs
Miguel Riascos - Invisible Barrier: As a Problematic of Social Violence
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